Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bloglodyte finally gives in...

So I have this joke.

The joke relies on people knowing me a little bit, so I'll help you out there. I am a 30-something computer artist and digital animator. Strangely enough, unlike virtually everyone else in my field, I don't know anything about computers. I don't know how many gigs of this or mega-doodles of that my computer has in it. I don't know what processor-chips or memory-thingies or driver-doohickies it has secreted away in that magic little box on the floor next to my desk. I just know when I move the mouse and click the little buttons, things generally happen, and I make something approximating art out of that. All humility aside, I am really good at what I do. I love doing it, which is why I am so good at it. Loving it is the secret, methinks, of being good at anything. So the joke I tell people is that I am a little like the professional racecar drive that knows, approximately, where the gas goes in his car. And could maybe find the cupholder.

Yeah, I know, it isn't really a funny joke. But it's a self deprecating way for me to admit something I am probably uneccesarily ashamed of.

So, being the ironically computer illiterate guy I am, I have not (until this moment) gotten on the blog bandwagon. This despite the fact that I like to write, and have, until this point, merely needed an audience to write to. Maybe technology freaks me out a bit. Maybe I just don't like to learn knew things. Maaaaybe (ahh, now I am finally getting somewhere!) just maybe I am afraid of finding an audience for my writings and musings and discovering that, lo and behold, they stink. It's possible. After all, I am used to being good at things. Hmm!

Well screw it, here I am anyway.

To whoever reads these things: Hi! And who the hell are you? Whaddaya want? Really! I wanna know! If this actually works as a means of communicating and sharing, I can't wait to be involved. And if it's just another way for me to ramble to myself and an empty room... well who am I to complain? It's what I have been doing all along anyway!


All right, more to come later. Maybe. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aahhh! Nostalgia is bringing me home. Now, can we blend the last 2 topics? with clickers and how the clicker is but a reflection of our commitment phobic society. I mean my husband is the BEST husband, but he is hard pressed to leave the channel where it is. Even if he LIKES the show he is watching, during commercial breaks he constantly scans other channels to ensure that he isn't missing something better. Another couple of things our children won't experience: old rotary phones, the Lawrence Welk Show, and (hopefully) parachute pants. Well said George. Your writings have me feeling as if I were in my grandmother's old family room. The wood stove is fired up, we have popcorn (not microwaveable) and we're settling in for the Sunday night programs.